Feature requests

Cyber Guru > Implement a lead status field
Implement Lead status in order to help Sales Account Executive to identify and track if actions are required on the lead depending on its status. Typiycally, here is a short overview of the different possible status: “New” status : The value is set automatically to ‘New’ when it is the first time that a company is identified in dealfront. The status remains to ‘New’ till the sales executive changes it manually to ‘Treated’. Thanks to this status, the Sales account executive can identify that actions might be necesary on this company to nuture the lead. “Treated” status : The value is set manually by the sales executive as soon as he has performed an action on his side in regard to that lead and corresponding company (e.g. email to a contact of that company, contact someone on linkedin, etc…). The status remains to ‘Treated’ till a new Visit of the company is identified on our website. (see Re-Open status). It has to be note that thanks to the existing “Comment” section, the sales executive can specify and track the actions performed in regard to that lead. “Re-Open” status : The value is set automatically to ‘Re-Open’ when dealfront has detected a new visit from the company on our website AND the status of the company was previously set to ‘Treated’. Thanks to that Status, the Sales account executive can understand that past actions have already been done and new actions might need to be achieved on the target company since new visits are detected. The Sales Account executive will then set the status manually to 'treated' as soon as he has performed actions.
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